Mid-Week Group Archived Items


Archived 24 Nov 2024


Add this page to your phone

Irrespective of what type of phone you have, you can add this page to your browser’s Bookmarks / Favourites.

If you have an Android phone, you can add this page to your home screen using the instructions below.

1. Work out what browser you are using on your Android phone:


2. On your phone, open this web page using this QR code:


3. Android: Add the web page to your home screen
Note: your phone might be different depending on versions
(See section 4 for iPhone)

3.1 Chrome on Android

Click on settings located at the top right, and then select ‘Add to Home Screen’

3.2 Firefox on Android

Click on settings at the bottom right and then select ‘Add to Home screen’

3.3 Edge on Android

Click on settings at the lower right and then select ‘Add to phone’

3.4 You will now see an icon on your home screen looking something like this:


4 iPhone

Use your browser’s Bookmarks / Favourites.

If you are using Firefox, you can click on the three lines at the bottom,
and then share & message it to yourself.