We are offering the option to participate in either:
- a film development course (Unit 1) run over one afternoon where you can learn the basics of black and white film developing
- or a course in film developing and printing (Unit 1 & 2) run over one weekend, starting with film developing on Saturday afternoon, and a full day printing on Sunday.
These courses are limited to 2 students for the film/print course.
The new Analogue Photography Basics is open to MCC members as well to non-members. It is designed for those people who are just starting to process and print film. It can also be taken by those who wish to update their film processing and printing skills. Course participants must be over 18 years old.
The new Darkroom Basics Course is divided into two units:
- Processing the exposed film – See Below – Unit 1
- Printing from a set of negatives – See Below – Unit 2
Courses are limited due to demand so places cannot be saved until payment is made via the below options.
The aim of the course is to provide participants with a basic foundation in darkroom techniques so that they feel confident to undertake their own film development and/or printing.
To participate in the course:
- You must register on the course enrolment system.
- You should discuss any questions you have with the coordinator Shane Booth.
- You should note that class sizes are limited.
Course Structure
The full course will run for a total of two days over a weekend.
Film – 1.00 pm – 4.00pm
Printing – 9.30 am – 4.00 pm with a break for lunch
Day 1 will be Unit 1 and Day 2 will be Unit 2
Student will be expected to attend Film, Unit 1, with an exposed film ready to develop. This film must be a regular black and white film that can be developed in tradition chemicals. It must NOT be colour film or film that use C-41 chemicals (ie XP2 or Kodak BW400CN). All other equipment and consumables will be provided by the course.
The design of the course is flexible enough to take account of the different levels of experience of participants, but what follows is the core content.
Unit 1 – Film Developing
1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
- Description of equipment and chemicals
- Practice film loading
- Developing the film
- Diagnose and discuss the resulting negatives
- Processing film at home – equipment needed
Unit 2 – Printing In the Darkroom
Session 1: 9.30am-12.30pm
- Introduction to analog photography and to darkroom practice, Chemical Safety
- Making contact prints
- Making a print from participant negatives
- LUNCH (at your own cost)
Session 2: 1.30pm-4.30pm
- Continuation of printing process:
- Contrast control, dodging and burning
- Information on the standard use of the club’s Darkroom.
Non Members
Non Members are admitted as members to Melbourne Camera Club for 12 months, there is a requirement to agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Melbourne Camera Club and all other Club Policies (available on our website https://melbournecameraclub.org.au/about-us/club-documents) and to fill in a membership form.

Information & Registration
Contact the course coordinator, Shane Booth
Film only – Non-members join the club at the cost of a club membership ($185.00**) and the course is free.
Film and Printing – Non-members will be charged $240** for enrollment in both units which also includes free 12 month club membership
Members – Film only – Free. Film and Printing – $50**
Post-course access to the darkroom is only available after review by darkroom booking coordinator. In that case, participants can hire the MCC’s darkroom for a small fee to practice what they have learnt. Those wishing to use the darkroom will need to arrange darkroom access via the booking system.
** Excludes PayPal charges. PayPal charges will be levied on check out.