2025 Photo Album – Mid-Week Group

Mid-Week Group   
Photo Albums:   2023   2024   2025 

*** Submission Policy ***
See below.

*** Outing Details ***
See below

*** Updated Photo Albums ***
Mon 10 Feb 2025: Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh)

*** Photo Albums ***
Click an image, then click on the first image and use left & right keyboard arrows to view images.

*** Submission Policy ***

Photos of Photos or Paintings:

The following does not apply to photos on information signs.
When we go to art galleries, we often see impressive photos or paintings. 
There are two ways of taking photos of photos or paintings:
  1. Someone looking at the photo or painting, or similar
  2. A straight copy
The first option is unlikely to be an issue. Feel free to also take a photo of the nameplate.
Email both images. We’ll use the nameplate information to add the artist’s name & artwork title to the album.
The second option is a bit more difficult.
Your photo must be a good quality reproduction. Some galleries have low light, making copies of low quality.
Also, please correct any distortions and make sure the white balance is correct. 
And also take a photo of the nameplate.
If possible, include part of the artwork in the photo of the nameplate. That way we know which nameplate applies to which artwork.
Email both photos. We will use the nameplate information to add the artist’s name & artwork title to the album.
Please follow any restrictions specified by the gallery regarding photography.
Never use flash. If you are using a phone, make sure to turn the flash off rather than having it on ‘auto’.
If we are at a contemporary artist/photographer’s exhibition, are straight copies OK? What do you think?
If you entered a print in a competition, and someone took a photo of it, would you be indifferent?
Your copyright will be asserted (i.e.: © added), unless it is a straight copy.
This is because you don’t have any rights over the artist’s work.
What about street art? If it is a straight copy, we’ll include ‘Artist unknown’ in the title.
Competition judges make this recommendation about street art: “Add something”
Eg: Include paving, include a person, etc.

Children make great photos.

But, images of children, where the children are identifiable, will not be added to the photo album. Even if you have asked for permission.

This is done to protect the children. Our album is available to all internet users, and we don’t know how the images will be used.

And for your own safety, we suggest that you don’t point your camera at children. Especially if you are male. You don’t know how a parent or grandparent will react.

Images of children on billboards will be allowed.


If you want your image to have a title, put the title into the filename.

If you want special characters (eg: ! ? #) in the title, repeat the title in the email with the special character(s).

If you use a Mac and you attach the images to the email, you will need to type the titles in the email. The images end up being embedded in the email and we can’t see the filenames.

If you use a Mac, the preferred way is that you put your images into a folder and then attach the folder to the email. The folder is attached as a zip file and we can see the filenames.

Autumn Leaves.jpg
Spring has Sprung.jpg   (In the email add: Spring has Sprung!)

(v08 2025-02-05)


*** Outing Details ***

Tue 18th Feb 2025 (3rd Tue) – NGV – Yayoi Kusama Exhibition

This time we are planning to visit the NGV International on St. Kilda Road to view the Yayoi Kusama exhibition.

She is a Japanese artist whose work is a riot of colour, shapes, textures and sensory experiences. Great for anybody with a camera.

Concession entrance fee: $35,-. The exhibition is very popular, so it is advisable to book on line before the day.
The tickets are timed. I suggest we all book to go in at 11am.

Meeting place and time:  At the café on the ground floor, around the corner behind the information desk (to your left as you enter the atrium). We meet at 10.30am.

Lunch will be at 12.30 in the restaurant on the mezzanine level, just to the left as you step-off the escalator.

Hope to see many of our Camberwell members there, and, as always, we welcome our friends from the Melbourne CC.

Joe Hajdu

Tue 4th Feb 2025 (1st Tue) – Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh)

Mid-Week Outing – Tuesday February 4th   Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh), 860 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill.

The first Mid-Week outing for February will be to the Museum of Australian Photography (formerly Monash Gallery of Art).

We will meet for coffee/tea at the café on site, at the usual time of 10.30 a.m. Please note that the café usually opens at 11 pm, however they have agreed to open at 10.30 just for us. So, although the museum opens at 10 am, please don’t hassle the café staff until 10.30 as arranged.

For those who like to arrive early, the gardens and lake are usually worth a visit, provided the weather is okay.

The MAPh is Australia’s leading public museum devoted to the collection and exhibition of photography. Current exhibitions include:-

  • Petrina Hicks – Snakes and mirrors.
  • Ponch Hawkes – 500 strong
  • Amos Gebhardt – Mangata
  • Zahalkaworld – an artist’s archive at the Western Plains Cultural Centre (NSW)
  • Jacinta Keefe – Crafted environments: portraits of the creative
  • Year of the Snake
  • Sculpture Park – Sonia Payes – Renaissance: A journey of transformation

Lunch will be across the road at The Wheelers Hill Hotel, cnr. Ferntree Gully Road and Jells Road, Wheelers Hill at 12.30 pm.

There should be ample parking at both the MAPh and at the hotel.

AND a suggestion, the outing on Tuesday, 18th February arranged by Joe for the Camberwell Camera Club will be to the Yayoi Kusama Exhibition at the NGV. Tickets are required – you may wish to go on-line to book your tickets early, 11 am will be the preferred time.

All Camberwell and Melbourne Camera Club members and guests are very welcome at the Mid-Week Outings. 

Jim W.

Tue 21st Jan 2025 (3rd Tue) – Healesville Sanctuary

Our 2nd outing for January will be on the 21st of January 2025. Once again Anne Shellard has arranged this outing. 

We will go to the Healesville Sanctuary, Badger Creek Road, Healesville.

We’ll meet at 10:30am for coffee or tea at the Sanctuary Harvest Cafe, which inside the entrance gate, turn left and past the Fighting Extinctions Headquarters.

Lunch will be at 12:30pm at same venue, The Sanctuary Harvest Café.  

Entry fee applicable:  Adult $53, Concession $40 and Seniors $48.  Free for Zoos Victoria Members. 

regards, Regards Jim


Tue 7th Jan 2025 (1st Tue) – Royal Botanic Gardens

This year, thanks to the efforts of Anne S, there will be two outings in January. The first on Tuesday 7th January to the Royal Botanic Gardens – Melbourne (see details below), and on Tuesday 21st January to the Healesville Sanctuary.

These will be followed in February with outings to the Museum of Australian Photography (formerly the Monash Gallery of Art) on Tuesday 4th February and the NGV Kusame Exhibition on Tuesday 18th  February.

 Tuesday 7th January – the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.

A map of the gardens can be seen here.

We’ll meet at the Observatory Kiosk at 10:30am for coffee or tea.

As renovations to the Observatory Cafe will not be finished, for lunch we will find a nice big shady tree and gather there for a picnic at about 12:30 pm. Either bringing our own lunch or get take away from the Terrace Café or the Observatory Kiosk. 

Looking forward to catching up on Tuesday.

Regards Jim