2024 Photo Album – Mid-Week Group

Mid-Week Group   
Photo Albums:   2023   2024   2025 

*** Submission Policy ***
See below.

*** Updated Photo Albums ***
Thu 27 Feb 2025: Frankston Art Murals

*** Photo Albums ***
Click an image, then click on the first image and use left & right keyboard arrows to view images.

*** Submission Policy ***

Photos of Photos or Paintings:

The following does not apply to photos on information signs.
When we go to art galleries, we often see impressive photos or paintings. 
There are two ways of taking photos of photos or paintings:
  1. Someone looking at the photo or painting, or similar
  2. A straight copy
The first option is unlikely to be an issue. Feel free to also take a photo of the name plate.
Email both images. We’ll use the name plate information to add the artist’s name & artwork title to the album.
The second option is a bit more difficult.
Your photo must be a good quality reproduction. Some galleries have low light, making copies low quality.
Also, please correct any distortions and make sure the white balance is correct. 
And also take a photo of the name plate.
If possible, include part of the artwork in the photo of the name plate. That way we know which name plate applies to which artwork.
Email both photos. We will use the name plate information to add the artist’s name & artwork title to the album.
Please follow any restrictions specified by the gallery regarding photography.
Never use flash. If you are using a phone, make sure to turn flash off rather than having it on ‘auto’.
If we are at a contemporary artist/photographer’s exhibition, are straight copies OK? What do you think?
If you entered a print in a competition, and someone took a photo of it, would you be indifferent?
Your copyright will be asserted (ie: © added), unless it is a straight copy.
This is because you don’t have any rights over the artist’s work.
What about street art? If it is a straight copy, we’ll include ‘Artist unknown’ in the title.
Competition judges make this recommendation about street art: “Add something”
Eg: Include paving, include a person, etc.

Children make great photos.

But, images of children, where the children are identifiable, will not be added to the photo album. Even if you have asked for permission.

This is done to protect the children. Our album is available to all internet users, and we don’t know how the images will be used.

And for your own safety, we suggest that you don’t point your camera at children. Especially if you are male. You don’t know how a parent or grandparent will react.

Images of children on billboards will be allowed.


If you want your image to have a title, put the title into the filename.

If you want special characters (eg: ! ? #) in the title, repeat the title in the email with the special character(s).

If you use a Mac and you attach the images to the email, you will need to type the titles in the email. The images end up being embedded in the email and we can’t see the filenames.

If you use a Mac, the preferred way is that you put your images into a folder and then attach the folder to the email. The folder is attached as a zip file and we can see the filenames.

Autumn Leaves.jpg
Spring has Sprung.jpg   (In the email add: Spring has Sprung!)

(v07 2024-06-24)

*** Outing Details ***

Tue 6 Feb 2024 (1st Tue) – Blue Lotus Water Garden

Google Maps  https://www.bluelotusfarm.com.au/

Trust everyone had a great festive season and that you are looking forward to our regular get-togethers with our cameras for some photography and the opportunity to see something different.

Our first outing for 2024 will be Tuesday 6th February to the Blue Lotus Water Garden in Yarra Junction. A little bit out of town, but well worth the effort.   

The Blue Lotus Water Garden spans 14 acres. It is a tropical-themed garden with more than 40 different ponds, lakes and water features which produce the biggest display of lotus and waterlily flowers in the southern hemisphere. The grounds also contain an amazing array of exotic plants, garden exhibits, fountains, waterfalls, floral sculptures and scenic vistas.

Since we last visited, there have been a few changes, the main one being that this year the 3 Sugars Café in Warburton has taken over the catering, so we will have both our morning coffee/tea and our lunch at the Gardens.

Entry fee is $22 for seniors/pensioners, we are not attempting a group concession as the money is required up front, and it complicates lunch.

The Blue Lotus Water Garden is located at 2628 Warburton Highway, Yarra Junction.

The Garden is only open to the public during summer, that’s when the lotus and water-lilies flower, hence the February date for our outing.

We will meet in the café in the Gardens at 10.30 am, and after exploring and photographing the gardens will return to the café (menu) for lunch about 12.30pm.

Hope to see you there.

For further information send email to midweekgroup@melbournecameraclub.org.au

Jim W

Tue 20 Feb 2024 – Triennial NGV Exhibition

This month we plan to go to the NGV Triennial Exhibition.

I have been there and it is spectacular.

It occupies all the exhibition space of the St. Kilda Road building. The exhibition shows the work of 120 contemporary artists from all parts of the world. And, it includes a couple of rich photographic displays: an exhibition of large photographs by the Irish photographer Kevin Abosch illustrates how you can post-process photojournalistic images to increase their dramatic impact, and on the top floor there is ‘Megalopolis’, in which 10 photographers from cities as diverse as Tokyo, Sao Paulo and New Delhi show how they see their home city.

There is so much more to see – installation art, art making as a political statement, robotics, etc.  There is something there to interest every one of us. 

Free admission.

The NGV is located at 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne.

Please come. As always, our Melbourne CC friends are also most welcome.

Time and place: we plan to meet at 10.30am in the cafeteria, on the ground floor behind the information counter on the left.

We’ll meet in the NGV foyer at 12.15pm and then proceed to lunch.

Joe H


Tue 5 Mar 2024 – Converging Lines, Architectural

Tue 5 Mar 2024 (1st Tue) – Converging Lines – Architectural – Melb CBD


Our first outing for March on Tue 5th March, will be something new.

We are going to have a themed outing: Converging Lines – Architectural

Normally we are encouraged to ‘fix’ converging lines. But for this outing, be bold!

A lens in the 10mm – 35mm range (FF equivalent) is useful to accentuate the converging lines.

Have a look on our Themes webpage for inspiration: MWG Themes
We will meet at 10:30am at Sir Osborn café at 1 Nicholson St, East Melbourne, on the corner with Albert St.
We will then explore the north-east corner of the CBD. 
We’ll have lunch at 12:30 at the Elephant & Wheelbarrow on the corner of Bourke and Exhibition Sts.
Our booking is on the first floor.
You are free to explore other themes as well.

Bob C


Tue 19 Mar 2024 (3rd Tue) – Photo 2024 Biennial – Melb CBD

‘The Future Is Shaped by Those Who Can See It’

Our fourth outing of the year will be a little different.

On Tue 19th March we’ll be going to PHOTO 2024, an International Festival of Photography (1st to 24th March 2024).

The award-winning biennale features free exhibitions and outdoor art installations to explore across seven Festival Precincts in Melbourne.

We’ll be exploring the Arts Precinct, starting off at Federation Square. Below is a map from the program and a list of exhibits for quick reference. I suggest you click on the links and decide what you’d like to see. You may also want to explore other sites around Melbourne over the duration of the festival.

Addressing the theme ‘The Future Is Shaped by Those Who Can See It’, PHOTO 2024’s expansive program invites audiences to discover the possible and parallel futures that lie ahead, and how current actions are shaping future realities.

PHOTO 2024’s events have tours, talks, film screenings and workshops concentrated on four weekends from 1st to 24th March 2024. The events allow photography lovers at all levels to participate.

We start at 10:30am at the NGV café in the Atrium at Federation Square.
We’ll return for lunch to Beer Deluxe at Federation Square at 12:30pm

Alan S

Map & Links:

Federation Square:

1 Moustopia – Mous Lamrabat – A cross-cultural celebration of colour and joy.
2 Towards the FutureFilm on the Fed Square Screen – six artists look to the future from very different standpoints.
3 Big Sky – Adam Ferguson – Fed Square Metro Tunnel Screens
4 Dissent Atlas – Jemima Wyman – Global unrest collaged into vast landscapes.
10 Distributed Consciousness – Memo Akten – A surreal, AI-generated mediation on consciousness and intelligence.
11 My Parents on their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, 1989 – Nan Goldin – Celebrating an icon of photography.

Birrarung Lightboxes – Southbank Promenade:

5 Warakurna Superheroes – Birrarung Lightboxes – The real-life superheroes of the remote Northern Territory.
6 The Dark Current: Blue screen – Angela Tiatia – Blurring the lines between real people and imagined scenarios.
7 human + x = φ L ∐ – filip custic – Playful imagery capturing our digital age.
8 In memory of stars – Amos Gebhardt – Hauntings of history.

Swanston St, Melbourne:

12 7 Photographs That Shaped The Future – St Paul’s Cathedral – Visual turning points in human understanding.
13 Future Anterior – Blindside (Room 14, Level 7, 37 Swanston St, Wed – Sat, 12pm – 6pm) – Transforming how we order the past to see the future anew.
14 Scenario – Rozalind Drummond – Caves (Room 5, Level 8, 37 Swanston St, Wed – Sat, 12pm – 5pm) – Splicing time, space and collective movement.
15 Second Nature – Kaya and Blank – Melbourne Town Hall – Hiding ugly reality with fake aesthetics.

Tue 2 April 2024 – State Library Victoria – Rennie Ellis

The MCC’s April mid week outing will be to the State Library of Victoria to see the extraordinary collection of Melbourne photographer Rennie Ellis.

Ellis had a unique ability to win the confidence of his subjects and gain access and to document a huge variety of social circles. This exhibition is a collection of iconic, unseen and everyday photographs from one of our greatest chroniclers.

We shall meet in the food hall of Melbourne Central at 10:30 for coffee.  If you enter on the corner of Swanston & Latrobe streets, proceed up the escalator to the first level and then straight ahead to the dining hall/food court.

After coffee we will amble across Swanston Street to the Library to view the exhibition.

Members are also free to roam the library and see the many exhibits that are on display.

Lunch will be at the Oxford Scholar hotel, 427 Swanston Street Melbourne at 12:30pm.

Jim O’D


Tue 16 April 2024 – Fitzroy Streetscapes


Our old inner suburbs are an exciting mix of formal terrace houses, small cottages, the remnants of factories and workshops, modern town houses and flats, not to mention traditional corner pubs and narrow lanes bordered by graffiti-covered walls.
They offer a great choice of themes to photograph.
We plan to venture into some Fitzroy neighbourhoods to explore this very interesting part of Melbourne.
Time and place: We plan to meet at 10.30am at Mario’s Café/Restaurant, 303 Brunswick St. Two doors up from the intersection with Johnston Street.
After walking around that neighbourhood, we plan to meet again at The Stone Hotel for lunch at 12.30pm 
The Stone Hotel is on the northeastern corner of the Brunswick & Johnston St. intersection.
How to get there:  
Tram no. 11 runs along Brunswick St., and it can be caught in the City on Collins St. Disembark at stop 16 – Johnson/Brunswick Sts.
Street parking in the area is difficult, but there is an off-street car park at the rear of Coles
Entrance is from Brunswick St. via Argyle St. Fee: $6 for 3hours. 
Hope to see many of our Camberwell CC and Melbourne CC friends there!
Joe H

Rippon Lea Estate – Tue 7th May 2024 (1st Tue)

Our outing for the first Tuesday in May (7th May) will be to The Rippon Lea Estate.
Rippon Lea is a large nineteenth-century mansion surrounded by 14 acres of Victorian pleasure gardens. It is listed on the National Heritage Register because it is one of the finest examples of an original suburban estate in Australia. The Rippon Lea Estate’s Garden is of national significance. It boasts an abundance of beautiful trees, sweeping lawns, a lake, a look-out tower, an orchard of historically significant fruit varieties, and a windmill.
The National Trust is responsible for the Rippon Lea Estate.
Our visit will commence at 10.30 am at the gate house where National Trust volunteers will serve tea and percolated coffee & a biscuit, this is all included in our $15 entry fee.
At approximately 11 am there will be a half-hour open house when we can view and photograph inside the mansion. Please note that volunteers will be on hand to point you in the right direction and answer questions. 
Mansion visits are usually guided tours, so to have this freedom is greatly appreciated. 
After our time in the mansion, we will adjourn outside to visit and photograph the magnificent garden. 
Photos taken at Rippon Lea are for personal use and are not to be used for commercial purposes.
Lunch will be at approx. 12.15 pm at the nearby by Elsternwick Hotel, 259 Brighton Rd, where there is a large car park. 
Public transport options:
Train – the property is a five-minute walk from Rippon Lea station, on the Sandringham Line. 
Tram – route 67 to Carnegie, stop 42, Glen Eira Road, then walk east along Glen Eira Road and down (south) on Hotham Street to the property.
Bus – route 216 or 219 – bus departs from city, southeast corner of Queen & Collins Sts., and depending on the traffic takes 30-45 minutes. Stops outside Rippon Lea Estate, ask the driver to set you down at the first stop after Glen Eira Road.
And by car – street parking, there is no onsite parking.
For those coming by public transport, we will arrange a ride to the Hotel for lunch.
Hope to see you there.
Sara & Jim

To get to The Elsternwick Hotel you can either drive or walk.

To drive: north on Hotham St and left onto Glen Ira Road > Cross Brighton Rd onto Byron St > left onto Tennyson St > left onto Glen Huntly Road > Car Park.
If the car park is full, continue onto Brighton Road and park on Brighton Road.

To walk to Elsternwick Hotel:

Chinatown & Museum – Tue 21st May 2024 (3rd Tue)

As far as I can remember, we have never organized an excursion to Chinatown in the City. It is time we did, and that is where we will go in May.
This neighbourhood provides us with some very interesting photo opportunities: street scenes, people photography, shop signs, colourful displays, etc.
Also, a visit to the Chinese Museum in Cohen Place, just off Little Bourke Street.
Meeting place: We will meet in the food court of Melbourne Central at 10.30am. The food court is up the escalator on the corner of Swanston and LaTrobe Sts., on the first level.
After coffee we will walk down on Swanston St. to the beginning of Chinatown in Little Bourke St.
Lunch:  After having photographed our way through Chinatown and its museum, we will reassemble for lunch at 12.30pm in the Elephant and Wheelbarrow Hotel on the corner of Bourke and Exhibition Streets.
Hope to see many of you there, including of course our friends from the Melbourne CC.
Joe H

University of Melbourne – Tue 4th June 2024 (1st Tue)

Our outing for Tuesday 4th June will be to the University of Melbourne.
Initially we had planned for the City of Melbourne Art & Heritage Collection, at the Town Hall, but their security requirements made it too difficult for a large group. However, for smaller numbers it could be interesting, but pre-booking is necessary.
The University of Melbourne, suggested by Bob C, will certainly offer many more opportunities to use your camera with great subjects like the Old Quadrangle, the Old Arts building and clock tower, a number of contemporary buildings with very interesting architecture and The System Garden. The south lawn may also provide some photo-journalism images.
Those who have visited the university many times before may find the developments around the new underground Parkville Station and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (corner of Grattan Street and Royal Parade) of interest.
We will meet for coffee/tea at the Dr Dax Kitchen, 30 Royal Parade, Parkville, directly opposite the Royal Melbourn Hospital car park entrance, at 10.30 am.
Lunch will be at the Prince Alfred Hotel, 191 Grattan St., (between Roal Parade and Swanston St,) from 12.15 pm.
How to get there: the University of Melbourne is well serviced by trams, but no trains until the underground is finished.
As the Dr Dax Kitchen is on the west side of the university, if you are coming from the city, the North Coburg tram (no. 19) up Elizabeth St, and then Royal Parade, getting off at Stop 11, University of Melbourne/Royal Parade. 
Jim W

Australian Sports Museum – Tue 18th June 2024 (3rd Tue)

*** Late News (Updated 17 Jun 2024, 16:31) ****************************************************

Free Tour – 1pm, Tue 18th June 2024: Australian Sports Museum, MCG

One of our CCC members, Barrie, has offered to do a tour of the MCG at 1pm, after lunch. Barrie is a tour guide at the MCG.
(Note: You still need to buy a ticket to the Museum. Seniors: $25, card only)
If you would like to attend, let us know when we have coffee at 10.30am.  We suggest that you have an early lunch at 12.15pm.
To help you decide lunch, the lunch menu is shown below. Order at the counter.
The tour will take around 1h20m and leaves from Paddock Cafe.
Our 2nd excursion this month is to the Australian Sports Museum at the MCG on Tue 18th June.
It reopened this January after extensive refurbishment. The Museum now has a comprehensive display about most sports, including cricket, Australian rules football, horse racing and Olympic sport. 
Many of the displays are very creative and highly photogenic.  
The Museum is located on the north side of the MCG and the entrance is through Gate 3.  
Meeting place: We will meet at 10.30am at the Paddock Café (cashless, card only), just inside Gate 3 of the MCG building. Inside Gate 3, turn left and a bit further along the cafe is on the right with views to the oval. 
The Australian Sports Museum is very close to the Café. – entry seniors $25 & adults $35 – cashless, card only.
Lunch is at 12.15pm at the Trumble Bar & Café (cashless, card only). Walk out onto the forecourt and turn left.
The restaurant is located between gates 1 & 2.
Public transport:
The closest railway stations are Richmond and Jolimont Stations. Richmond is a bit further away but has more regular services.
Tram no. 48 (City – North Balwyn) or 75 (City – Vermont South) run on Flinders St & Wellington Parade and stop near Jolimont Station
Tram No 70 (City – Wattle Park) runs along Swan Street
Bus Route 246 stops in Punt Road
There is metered & time limited car parking.
Look forward to seeing many of our Camberwell members there, as well as our friends from the Melbourne CC.
Joe H

Tue 2nd July 2024 (1st Tue): Docklands Walk – Terry N – MCC

Our 1st outing for July is the Docklands area.
We’ll start at 10.30am for coffee at Mr Collins at 747 Collins St.

We’ll follow the course shown below for architecture and street photography.

We’ll finish at The Nixon Hotel, 757 Bourke St, for lunch at 12:30pm

Terry N.


Tue 16th July 2024 (3rd Tue): North-West CBD Laneways – Joe H – MCC

*** The outing will occur despite the inclement weather. We’ve added a shorter route to the map. (Updated: 15 Jul 2024)***

On our 2nd outing for July, we plan to visit a neighbourhood of the city many of you may not be familiar with: the laneways of the north-west block of the CBD. This is the area bounded by Elizabeth, Queen, A’Beckett and Little Bourke Streets.
Briskly walking along its edge one can easily overlook the fascinating pockets of Melbourne’s history that it hides. Behind skyscrapers on the main throughfares are hidden old workshops, factories, warehouses, loft apartments and artis’ studios. All very interesting and photogenic.
Meeting time and place: We will meet in the food court at Melbourne Central at 10.30am. Take the up escalator on the corner of La Trobe & Swanston Sts.
Before we head out, you will be given a map to guide you through the neighbourhood.
We will end-up in Hardware Lane, just north of the intersection with Little Bourke Street, and have lunch at ‘Max Bar & Restaurant’ (54-58 Hardware Lane) at 12.30pm.
It should be a very interesting photographic jaunt. 
Hope to see many of our Camberwell members, as well as our friends from Melbourne CC there.
Organiser: Joe H      Contact: Jim W
1. Coffee in Melbourne Central food court.
Note: If the weather is inclement, you can go straight to ‘7’
2. Walk up Swanston St, turn left into Little La Trobe St., walk into lanes off it.
3. Turn right into Elizabeth St., walk north and turn left into A’Beckett St. 
4. Walk along A’Beckett St., turn into Anthony Lane (on right).
5. Have a peek into Anthoy Lane, returning to A’Beckett
6. And walk through Eq. Arcade (Next to EQ Tower) to La Trobe St and turn left
7. Turn right into Sutherland St.
8. Walk around the following lanes (on right): Flannigan, Guildford and MacLean.
9. Look into Timothy Lane (off Little Lonsdale St.).
10. Return to Little Lonsdale St., and into Hardware Lane.
11. Follow Hardware Lane to ‘Max Bar Restaurant’ for lunch at 12:30pm

ANZ Banking Chamber & Historic Collins Street – Jim O’D – MCC – Tue 3rd Sep 2024 (1st Tue)

(Details sent via mailout on 21 Aug 2024)

Our first outing for September will be to two historic buildings in the Melbourne CBD.

We meet for coffee at 10:30am at Cafe Rustica, corner Queen St and Lt Collins St Melbourne.

After coffee we’ll visit the ANZ Banking Museum at 388 Collins Street.
The building was opened in 1887 as the English, Scottish and Australia Chartered Bank. The chamber was recently restored and now contains many historical items including a Dalek from one of ANZ’s TV ads.

Photography is allowed in the Museum, but please no photos of staff or customers. It is also a working area for ANZ staff & customers.

After the ANZ Banking Museum, we’ll head to 333 Collins St. The building was completed in 1990 but retains aspects of the original building completed in the 1890’s. The original building was the home of the Commercial Bank of Australia. You can see a virtual tour here: Virtual Tour

We’ll have lunch at 12:30pm at Dr Watson’s Bar at 417 Collins St.

Jim O’D.


Brighton Beach Walk – David Da. – MCC – Tue 17th Sep 2024 (3rd Tue)

Our 2nd outing for September is a beach walk at Brighton.

We start at 10:30am for coffee at the Brighton Beach Hotel (Bistro), 4 Esplanade, Brighton.  

We will return here for lunch at 12:30pm

Getting there

By train: Sandringham Line from Flinders Street to Brighton Beach station.

By car: Park at the Brighton Beach Hotel or at the Green Point car park (ticket via EasyPark app or credit card).

After coffee you can walk or drive to the bathing boxes.

Walking to the Bathing Boxes

Walk south to the South Road intersection (<2> on the map) and cross at the lights.

Walk north past the Railway Mural <3>

Continue to the Green Point reserve <4> with views south to Sandringham marina

At Brighton Beach Gardens <5> there are views of the CBD skyline.

Continue north on the beach or the Bay Trail to Holloway Beach <6> where you might see some black swans.

Then to Dendy Street Beach <7> where the bathing boxes start.

Continue north along the bathing boxes to the Brighton Life Saving Club <8> (2.2 kms return)

You can then continue along Brighton Beach <9>, a wide beach, to the Middle Brighton Beach <10> (3.6 kms return)

On the way back you can cross at the Dendy St lights <11> and continue south to the Brighton Beach Hotel <1>

Optionally you can detour via Kinane St, Tennyson St <12>, Were St and back to Esplanade/Beach Road and the hotel <1>

Driving to the Bathing Boxes

If you prefer not to do the beach walk, you can drive to Norwood Avenue or Dendy Street and cross at the Dendy Street lights <11> for the bathing boxes.


We will have lunch at 12.30pm at Brighton Beach Hotel.

David Da.


Murals & Street Art of Frankston – Robert F – MCC – Tue 1st Oct 2024 (1st Tue)

Tuesday 1 October 2024 (1st Tuesday)
Our first outing for October is the murals & street art of Frankston.
There are around 60 art works with a wide range of styles and subjects.
See these webpages for information: Murals and Street Art of Frankston  & Street Art Map.pdf
We’ll meet at 10:00 am for coffee at Eeny Meeny café, 96 Young St, Frankston (near the intersection with Wells Street), a short walk from the Frankston Station.
We recommend that you get there at 10am, which is a bit earlier than normal. This will give you time to look at all of the street art.
A few of us will get there around 9:45.
We’ll provide you with the map shown below
We’ll have lunch at 12:15 pm at The Cheeky Squire Hotel, 510 Nepean Highway near intersection with Davey St, Frankston. The entry is from the Nepean Highway side near the BWS drive in.
Getting there:
By train: Frankston station. The station is a few minutes’ walk from Eeny Meeny café.
By car: We suggest parking at the Arts Precinct car park in Young St, near the corner of Davey St.
The cost is: 1 hr=$2.50; 2 hrs=$4.50; 4 hrs=$7.00; 6+ hrs = $8.00
Most street parking is around 2 hours
1          Young St
2          Playne St
3          Thompson Street, Thompson Lane, Wells Lane
4          Wells Street
5A        Gallery Lane
5B        Rowy
6          Beach Street
7A        Nepean Hwy
7B        Wells Street
7C        Long Island Drive
7D        Kananook Creek Blvd
Steps 4 to 6. Note how to get from 5A to 5B. This is not clear on the above map.

Fitzroy Gardens – Joe H – CCC – Tue 15th Oct 2024 (3rd Tue)

Our 2nd outing for October is to the Fitzroy Gardens on 15th October.
Spring is the time to take your camera into a park and shoot some of the budding and flowering plants, bushes and trees. The Fitzroy Gardens is one of the best places to see spring growth at its best. So, that’s where we will go next.

Meeting place and time:  Kere Kere Café at 10.30am

The Kere Kere Café is part of the Visitor Information Centre, just south of Captain Cook’s Cottage in Fitzroy Gardens.

After strolling through the Gardens, we will meet for lunch at the Sir John Osborn Café at 12.30pm. This Café is on the ground floor of the Orica Building on the corner of Nicholson and Albert Sts. East Melbourne. After walking northwards through the Fitzroy Gardens, you reach Albert St. where you turn left.

Getting there:

The best way to get there is via public transport.
From Parliament station walk through Treasury Gardens to Fitzroy Gardens. Pause and have a look at the lake in Treasury Gardens.
From Flinders St Station you can take tram nos. 48 & 75. Disembark at the Lansdowne St. stop (stop 9).
There is some metered car parking around the Fitzroy Gardens.

Hope to see many of our Camberwell members and Melbourne CC friends there.

Joe Hajdu

For further details contact Jim W at midweekgroup@melbournecameraclub.org.au

Newport Railway Museum – Michael B – MCC – Wed 20 Nov 2024

Our second November outing is to the Newport Railway Museum on Wednesday 20th Nov.
The museum is being opened for us from 11am to 12:30pm
Cost: $15 cash
We meet for coffee at Munch N Sip, 177 Ferguson Street, Williamstown.
Some of us will be there shortly after 10am.
If you are running late, go straight to the Railway Museum, arriving before 11am
Getting there:
By rail: North Williamstown Train Station
By car: Parking is available in Champion Road
Lunch will be at the Hobsons Bay Hotel, 28 Ferguson St, Williamstown, at 12:30. It is around 600 metres from the Museum

Eureka Sky Deck – Norman B & Paul P – MCC – Tue 3rd Dec 2024

The final outing for the year will be to the Southern Hemisphere’s highest observation deck located at the top of Eureka Tower in Southbank. 
As the Sky Deck doesn’t open until 2:00pm, we will first meet for lunch at 12:30pm at P. J. Obrien’s Irish Pub in the Southgate complex. 
After a relaxing lunch, we will then make our way to the Sky Deck entrance in the courtyard beside Eureka Tower. It is just a short walk from the lunch venue.
The basic entrance fee is $36, with concession (including seniors) at $29.
However, if paid for online (melbourneskydeck.com.au), these prices are $30.60 and $24.65 respectively.
There is an additional cost for the ‘Edge Experience’, a glass ‘box’ that extends from the building where it changes from opaque to clear. This leaves you suspended 300 mtrs from the ground. But you can’t take photos. They will take a photo, which you can purchase.
The Sky Deck provides a 360-degree view across Melbourne and the surrounding area. Some of you may have visited it before but Melbourne’s skyline is constantly changing, and the view varies with the weather conditions.
If you have a polarising filter, bring it along. It will help to reduce window reflections.
You are free to remain at the Sky Deck for as long as you wish. While it is not part of the programme, there are various venues nearby for coffee later.