Conceptual Photography Group – On Zoom

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month!  The Conceptual Photography Group sends out a monthly email to advise members of what will be discussed at the upcoming meetings. You can check whether you are registered to receive these emails by logging into the website. Under the “Members” tab, select “My Profile”. Scroll down [...]

Opening of Nature Photography Exhibition with Guest Speaker – Scott Portelli – Underwater Photographer

We are pleased to have Scott Portelli to open the Melbourne Camera Club's second Nature Photography Exhibition which will be open to the public the following two weekends. Scott Portelli is an international award winning wildlife, nature and underwater photographer and film maker. A member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) and Accredited [...]

Nature Exhibition

The Melbourne Camera Club is holding its second Nature Photography Exhibition, opening on 22 May 2021. The Exhibition will feature a selection of exciting works from Club members and from invited, guest nature photographers. Following the Australian Photographic Societies guidelines for nature photography, images for the exhibition will cover all branches of natural history, except [...]

Nature Exhibition

The Melbourne Camera Club is holding its second Nature Photography Exhibition, opening on 22 May 2021. The Exhibition will feature a selection of exciting works from Club members and from invited, guest nature photographers. Following the Australian Photographic Societies guidelines for nature photography, images for the exhibition will cover all branches of natural history, except [...]