APG Resource Page

APG Resources

Analogue photography resources contains resource links from meeting activities as well as equipment and consumables sources. This includes notes on darkroom processing.

Thanks to Barrie Bunning for his contribution.

Photographers that inspire us

Martin Parr: Photographer of Leisure Pursuits of the Wealthy Classes

Mark Forbes:  Holding a solo analogue photography exhibition Déjà vu. Friday 17 January – Saturday 1 March (Wednesday – Saturdays, 11am – 4pm) – G1 Gallery  Kingston Arts Centre, 979-985 Nepean Hwy, Moorabbin

Resource links from meetings

DIY Ground glass manufacture

PhotoScene Victoria list of events

Articles by members

The laundry as a darkroomone persons experience by Peter Tredrea

Mark Forbes presentation to the club June 2022.

Photographic Chemicals and Supplies

Processing 4×5 with Bounet’s developing reel

DIY video on home processing 4X5 films.

Ilford dark room guides a series on YouTube.

APUG is a name that many analogue workers will be aware of, it covers cameras, lenses, film, developers  and has a searchable archive. iIt recently had a name change to Photrio.

The Massive Dev Chart is a very useful resource for finding developing times for any combination of film and developers.

Films, chemicals and papers Photo Resource operate only online. Orders placed in the morning either by phone or by their web-site are usually in the mail that day.

Blanco Negro also supply film, chemicals and paper through online ordering. Has a supply of FOMA products.

Online and in store

Photographic Processing Notes

Film characteristics curves

The Kitchen Sink Photographic Processor

Darkroom Basics Enlarging

Darkroom Basics Film Processing

Darkroom Basics Poisons and Caustics

Darkroom Basics Taking Pictures

Processing 120 film

Camera stores

The Camera Exchange probably has Australia’s largest collection of analogue cameras. Only a fraction of them are in the online store.

Borges Imaging has an extensive range of film, chemicals and darkroom gear.

Film never die is the shared vision of a small group of photographers living in Melbourne. They are Gary, Wei Wei, Eric, Andrew & Sebastian. They sell analog film, cameras and processing.

Vanbar pride themselves on understanding the needs and requirements of working photographers and keen enthusiast. At Vanbar you can see and touch Australia’s largest range of Photographic products.

Ikigai Camera stock film products from around the world and offer a professional processing and scanning service.

Books and bookshops

Sainsburys Bookshop Camberwell

Analogue Photography web resources

Pinhole camera photography with paper negs. or film.

One of the problems is Exposure as most light meter scales do not go down to the very small apertures on pinholes .
Ilford , who sell both 4 x 5  & 8 x 10 cameras, reversable printing papers have a DIY Pinhole exposure calculator .
This PDF has three discs that can be cut out and put together, print out on paper and glue to some stiff board.

Making a match box pinhole camera

Making your ‘PinHole’Video

Pinhole Stereo camera KickStarter

Alternative Photographyweb-site

Alternative photographic processes A-Z

Gum bichromates and Cyanotypes exposure times.

Jill Enfield, one of the leading experts on alt processes and the author of Jill Enfield’s Guide to Photographic Alternative Processes: Popular Historical and Contemporary Techniques (available from Readings Carlton), explains “gum printing exposures are usually about 2 – 5 minutes where as cyanotypes can be 10 – 45 minutes. This all depends on your chemicals and negatives and paper. but those are good starting points. Do a test when you first get started just like you would in a black and white darkroom. For gum, do 1 minute intervals, for cyanotype 5 min intervals.”

The Royal Photographic Society UK, 165 year history of RPS magazine free on line.

The ‘Sunny 16’ rule or how-to expose with no meter. Read it here

The ‘Sunny 16’ rule cheat sheet pdf download

Large format photography

The Large Format Workshop. A fact sheet in preparation for the workshop. Download here.

The club’s large format loan cameras – a run down on large format cameras. Download pdf

Getting started in LF photographya great explanation  on Intrepid Camera website.

A rethink of the large format field camera  – the well priced 4×5 Intrepid IV camera.

Large format forum – Large Format Photography has a very informative forum with contributors from around the world.

Australia’s own large format group – View Camera Australia, has a very informative website.

Medium format and large format photographers meet and share knowledge through excursions, darkroom visits and exhibitions – Friends of photography.

Large format sheet film rundown on LF Friday YouTube

Shooting 4×5 – the story behind a fallen sequoia tree

35mm format photography

Loading bulk 35mm film

Medium format cameras

A run down on medium format cameras and information on the club’s medium format loan cameras. Download pdf