Update for Members – Access to Darkroom/Annex

The Board would like to advise Members that access to the Darkroom and Annex will be available for registered users to book from 1 July. Bookings for these spaces will be limited to one booking within a 24-hour period. Numbers are limited to 1 person working in the Darkroom and no more than 2 people in the Annex.

Further details and procedures regarding accessing the Darkroom and Annex are covered in the MCC COVID-19 Safe 2020 Policy and Procedures – please take the time to read over the document, it is available on the website. All Members (including Honorary and Life Members) agree to be bound by all Club Policies and the Constitution of the Club (also available on the website).

The Studio will remain closed for maintenance and installation of new storage cupboards. An opening date for Studio users will be communicated in due course.

The rest of the Clubrooms will remain closed until 30 September 2020 in line with government directives. We continue to encourage members to join the successful virtual meetings held on Thursday nights and arranged by the Special Interest Groups.

Thank you for your understanding, and most importantly, please take every precaution to protect yourselves and your loved ones during this time. 

Your MCC Board
28 June 2020