Introduction to Photography Course – February 2021 Workshop

This event is for registered participants only. Registrations open now: Please contact Gail Morgan on for further information.  

Gum Bichromate workshop

This day-long workshop will introduce members to the gum dichromate printing process. The workshop will have limited numbers. Interested members must contact Selby Markham to register their intention to attend. A copy of the workshop program can be found here

Photowalk Community – Williamstown Gardens, Beach and Waterfront

For our March Photowalk we will be heading to Williamstown to wander amongst the historic architecture, gardens and waterfront.  We will finish with early dinner/drinks at a local pub (optional). Note that dinner numbers will be limited due to restaurant capacity – please book your place to join the dinner, as soon as you can and preferably before 5pm Saturday 13 March, email us: We welcome [...]

Conceptual Photography Group – On Zoom

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month!  The Conceptual Photography Group sends out a monthly email to advise members of what will be discussed at the upcoming meetings. You can check whether you are registered to receive these emails by logging into the website. Under the “Members” tab, select “My Profile”. Scroll down [...]

Guest Speaker – Forough Yavari – Portrait and Fine Art Photographer

Forough Yavari is an award-winning portrait and fine Art photographer based in Brisbane, Australia. After studying in Art University, photography turned from a personal hobby into a professional challenge for her. The result of her endeavours over those years was her presence in multiple painting and photography exhibitions as well as winning several national and [...]

Artist talk with Christopher Koller

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

We are excited to host a special event and artist talk with Melbourne based Conceptual Artist Christopher Koller on Saturday 20 March at 2pm.  Christopher will present from his vast bodies of work and discuss how he develops his ideas and concepts. Christopher Köller has held solo and group exhibitions of his photographs, installations and [...]