Re-Opening Clubrooms on 18 January 2021

It is with some satisfaction and a great sense of relief that the Board would like to announce the clubrooms will be reopening from January 18th, 2021 in accordance with Government guidelines. If there is any change to these guidelines, we will notify members as soon as possible. Based on the Government requirement of 2sqm per person, the upstairs gallery will have a maximum capacity of 64 people and the studio will have a maximum capacity of 44 people – please note that wearing of masks inside the building is according to our policy, which follows Government guidelines – if you can’t maintain social distancing, masks should be worn.

In addition, the capacity of the darkroom has been increased to two people and the capacity of the workroom/annex has been increased to four people.

The Board would like to express its profound gratitude to our members for their patience during these trying times – and congratulations to all of us for achieving this remarkable outcome.

MCC Board
11 December 2020