As mentioned in an earlier newsletter item, the Melbourne Camera Club is opening our doors once again for Open House Melbourne, coming up on 30-31 July. We are looking for the following volunteers to help out on both days.
Portrait Sessions
This year, for something different, we thought we’d run some portrait sessions where Camera Club photographers can take portraits of members of the public. This is a great opportunity for people to practice their studio portraiture and a good way of attracting people to the building.
Photographers will be able to work for a block of time (say 1-2 hours) and if people want their portrait taken, the photographer can take a number of shots – depending on time. You will need to note down who you photographed, and then within a reasonable time send the images to the “client”.
I will run an information session in the studio at the club on Thursday 28 July from 6:30pm for an hour. We will cover what, where and how at that time. If you are interested, please let me know – you’ll really only need basic portraiture skills as the lighting will be already set up.
Please respond to
Volunteer Roster 30-31 July
We are looking for some volunteers to be on duty at the clubrooms to show visitors around the building, and the Emerald Hill exhibition which will be on display in the upstairs gallery. We are looking for 3-4 people per shift, as we expect it will be a busy weekend with lots of visitors.
Please take a moment to sign up to the roster on the website: click here
Any roster queries please contact the Secretary,