Nature Outing July

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Visit to Werribee Open zoo

Exhibition Opening Event

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Digital Editing Group

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

As the level of understanding of digital editing techniques varies enormously among members, we will aim to provide information to members at basic, intermediate and advanced levels in each meeting. The focus is not on how to capture an image, but on what can be done with it in post-processing after downloading the images to [...]

Print Competition (Club rooms only)

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Set Subject: Humour Judge: Andrew Esposito Competition Entry Date: Wednesday 12 July 2023 Club Competitions:   

Drone and Panorama Photography Group Meeting

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The recently sanctioned Drone and Panorama Photography Group will hold their inaugural meeting in the club rooms. All members and guests are welcome to attend for a “meet and greet” and discuss how the Group operates and moves forward to cater to participants' needs. Please come along if you are keen to participate and contribute [...]

Photo Discussion Group

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Photo Discussion Group provides a regular forum where you can discuss your passion for photography with like-minded people. In a friendly, helpful environment, we explore a diverse range of photography topics – what makes competition winning images, creative techniques, how do judges evaluate our work, what tools we use to create the images we [...]