Nature Outing

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Nature Outing - details to be confirmed

APG April meeting

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

April meeting @ the club Show and Tell, feedback on printmaking, Passion Projects, Work In Progress, sharing of interesting cameras

Gum bichromate intro workshop

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

An introduction to gum bichromate. Bring along your digital neg or use one supplied by Selby. Dive in and get into this alternative process. This will be a single colour gum bichromate.

Introduction to Lightroom Basics

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

15 Minutes Of fame – Showcasing members and their photographic projects.

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Members from the Analogue Group will be presenting their individual projects and talking about their past. present and future photographic endeavors Film photography, despite the digital revolution, remains a cherished and relevant medium in today's world. While digital technology offers convenience and immediacy, film photography offers a distinct aesthetic and tactile experience that many enthusiasts [...]

Mid-Week Outing

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Fitzroy Streetscapes. Details sent via mailout on 2 April 2024. To receive the mailout tick ‘MidWeek Outing Group’ on your profile page. See Mid-Week Outing Group

Digital Editing Group

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

As the level of understanding of digital editing techniques varies enormously among members, we will aim to provide information to members at basic, intermediate and advanced levels in each meeting. The focus is not on how to capture an image, but on what can be done with it in post-processing after downloading the images to [...]

APG medium format shooting excursion

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

A medium format shooting excursion at the Newport Railway Museum. Many member have medium format cameras and the club has a collection of medium format cameras for loan. If you want to try medium format here's your chance to borrow a camera and get a lot of help from experienced shooters. Contact Andrew Lang at [...]