Vale Alan Elliott

Vale Alan Elliott

The Melbourne Camera Club has lost a much loved and significant member of its community with the passing of Alan Elliott. 

Alan Elliott by Palli Gajree

The scope of Alan’s knowledge is irreplaceable but what is also irreplaceable is the willingness with which he shared that knowledge.


An image that speaks for itself.


The formal definition of Alan’s role in the club and in photography in general is comprehensive and hard to equal. It gave him recognition through an Order of Australia.

Alan’s role in the club over the past decade very much focused upon his role as Archivist. When there was an event that had anything to do with club history, Alan was called in.

Alan as the senior club representative talking to Victoria Bennett for the Open House 2018 bid.

Alan talking to Terry Lane in preparation for the opening of the famous 2010 analogue exhibition.



Alan in Action

Alan’s images in the Archive
Alan and the Analogue Group 

These images were taken when Alan did a session for the Analogue Photography Group in 2019. 

He was generously supported by Sue Rocco and Richard Sydenham.