Traditional darkroom printmakers group

Traditional darkroom printmakers group

If you have an interest in film photography and traditional darkroom work (aka analogue photography), this group is for you. We have a comprehensive program for the year that includes regular meetings, workshops, excursions and other events that provide an excellent opportunity for you to meet like-minded people and to improve your darkroom skills. We also have an Annual Exhibition of the work of group members. Visitors are always welcome.

For more information about our group please click here.

If you are interested in our Analogue Basics class, please click here .

Contact the Analogue Photography Group

About the Analogue Photography Group


The group’s meetings, workshops and excursions are for people interested in “traditional” analog photography and printmaking. We cover anything you want in this field: exposure, film developing, darkroom printing and alternative techniques. We have no bias for camera formats, films, papers, or techniques.

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Darkroom Basics Classes

The Darkroom Basics Course is for all MCC Members who are just starting out in the darkroom, as well as those who would like to revisit basic principles of darkroom work. Read more…