History & Archives Committee

History and Archives Committee

The History & Archives Committee is charged with the collection, maintenance and expansion of the Club’s heritage and archive of photography and history records.

Activities include but are not limited to :-

  • administrating the Permanent Collection of Photography which includes the Print Archive including the Photography from the APS, the Slide & Digital Image Archive, and the photographic equipment collection;
  • researching and maintaining the history of the Club and its activities;
  • undertaking exhibitions of images and equipment from the permanent photographic collection;
  • producing publications, books, articles and audio visuals related to photographers and the club’s history; and
  • responding to requests for archive information and history documents.

The History & Archives Committee has achieved notable visible successes which include the editing and publication of the Centenary History of the Melbourne Camera Club book in 1991 and the Biography book of Ludivico Hart ‘The Complete Photographer’ in 2014. Numerous articles have been published in Exposure and several history Audio Visuals have been produced the most notable being ‘Pictorialism to Modernism’ in 2011.

Each year, at least one Exhibition and a History of Photography presentation is undertaken at the club.

The History & Archives Committee members meet as need be, often on week days for lunch and a working-bee in the club rooms.

If you would like to become involved please email the Club’s archivist  or come along to any of the Club’s Thursday evening General Meetings to chat…

History & Archives Exhibition  2019.

12 prominent Melbourne Photographers 1891-1991