2021-07-29 Update: See mailout for outing details. Our Tuesday 3rd August 2021 outing will be to the Australian Association of Street Photographers 10th annual SHOT IN THE HEART OF MELBOURNE Exhibition, being held at the Victorian Artists Society, 430 Albert Street, East Melbourne. (Google Maps) We will meet at 10.30 am, in a nearby [...]
Details and start time / location to be confirmed nearer the event. We welcome all photographers – bring along your favourite camera: digital, film, phone, Polaroid etc. All visitors, friends and members of the Melbourne Camera Club are welcome. Casual drinks/dinner usually follow each photowalk. Follow us online for upcoming event updates: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/melbournecameraclub Instagram [...]
The Photo Discussion Group meeting for November has been cancelled due to a clash with the rescheduled Portrait Group meeting. We hope to be able to meet in person in December. Photo Discussion Group is a photographic discussion group open to all Members. We have a night of discussion on all things photographic – [...]
Tonight’s Print Competition has been cancelled due to the COVID lockdown. Robyn Campbell will present on 'What judges are looking for in photographic competitions' via Zoom. Robyn will expand upon a video she did for AIPP TV which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3Gt5nNgvlE
For October, our guest speaker will be Sandra Dann. Sandra was recently one of our competition judges in August and provided many insightful comments. Sandra will be talking about colour theory, and how to use the tools in Photoshop to implement colour theory in your images. Digital Editing group meets on the Third Monday [...]
Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month! The Conceptual Photography Group sends out a monthly email to advise members of what will be discussed at the upcoming meetings. You can check whether you are registered to receive these emails by logging into the website. Under the “Members” tab, select “My Profile”. Scroll down [...]
Speaker: Selby Markham Topic: Do competitions inhibit my photographic creativity? Thursday evening’s presentation will look at what competitions mean within the arts in general and a camera club in particular. We will explore how the way people approach photography might impact upon their view of competition. By developing a broad model of photographic activity, we will look at how competition [...]
This is the monthly meeting of the Analogue Photography Group. More details about each month's events can be found on the Program page. Details of the meeting for this month can be found here.
Dinner at the Railway Hotel cnr Ferrars & Bank sts at 6.00 for those interested and onto MCC clubrooms at 7.30 for some lively discussion of photos. Bring along images you seek feedback on or alternatively some you have shared earlier and are now proud to show off.
Night for members to share images from outings to Braeside, Lerdederg Gorge and Macedon earlier in the year. For more information contact mcc-nature@melbournecameraclub.org.au
Born in New Zealand to a Dutch boatbuilder and and American Nun, Paul has managed to put his four passports to good use. After much exploring he eventually chose to base himself in the beautiful, wild island of Tasmania in 1998. Paul has won numerous accolades and awards for his imagery both nationally and internationally, [...]
Conceptual Visual Artist Chris Bowes will join us via zoom on Saturday September 4 from 2pm. His work explores the relationship humans have with technology. His recent solo exhibition at Photo access in Canberra, used photography, video and installation to create a large visitor activated exhibit. Unfortunately as the clubrooms remain closed, this artist talk [...]