Please refer to EMCC email for login details for this virtual meeting. I will be giving a presentation at the Melbourne Camera Club on my favourite subject … COMPOSITION It will be an in-depth look at the things I believe are important for the creation of compelling compositions, some of them influenced by the Fibonacci [...]
Bert's Exhibition has been postponed due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) “80 Years Exposure to Photography” To Celebrate My 80th Birthday – 4th April 1940 Bert Hoveling Ph.D. EFIAP FAPS ESFIAP HonFAPS SSAPS SSVAPS Past President – Australian Photographic Society Past President – Victorian Society of Photographic Societies
Bert's Exhibition has been postponed due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) “80 Years Exposure to Photography” To Celebrate My 80th Birthday – 4th April 1940 Bert Hoveling Ph.D. EFIAP FAPS ESFIAP HonFAPS SSAPS SSVAPS Past President – Australian Photographic Society Past President – Victorian Society of Photographic Societies
This is the monthly meeting of the Portrait Group - first Monday of each month. An excellent chance to practice portrait photography skills and grow your portfolio. The meeting is a practical photography session. We use flash lighting in a studio setting. We will have 2 sets operating and 2-3 models, so there will be [...]
Please refer to EMCC email for login details for this virtual meeting. Competition Scores 2020 Set Subjects Set Subjects Rules Rules for Monthly Competitions Entry format & presentation rules Competition entry rules
Photo Discussion Group is a photographic discussion group open to all members. We have a night of discussion on all things photographic - prints, PDI, cameras books etc. You are may bring prints or photographs on a memory stick or even a computer to show on the large TV. You are also welcome to [...]
All submissions to the Board must be to by this date. Any proposal to go to the Board must use this proforma otherwise it may not be considered.
Proposals and Inspirations Guidelines for writing a proposal for a body of work Member discussion on insight and findings of analysis ofcreative output “Steal like an Artist” what it means to appropriate work Group participation with inspiration images and Artists
Digital Editing group meets on the Third Monday of the month from February to November. The aim of the group is to help the members of the group to improve our ability to edit images digitally regardless of the end requirement - be it for Print Comp, PDI Comp, AV, slideshows, books or any [...]
Please refer to EMCC email for login details for this virtual meeting. Competition Scores 2020 Set Subjects Set Subjects Rules Rules for Monthly Competitions Entry format & presentation rules Competition entry rules
The Analogue Photography Group meets on the 4th Monday of the month. Members are encouraged to bring along their current work- either completed or in progress. Each meeting will have either a talk, a demonstration or an activity (or all of the above). The APG program can be found on the website.
Group show and tell (10-15 minutes) where we can show an image or two and talk about how the photographer achieved it using flash or controlling available light. Tonight we take the flash from the camera and use it off camera, this can be achieved by triggers and receivers, a PC Sync cable or newer [...]