Mid-Week Outing

Richmond Streetscape Details sent on 14th May via mailout. To receive the mailout tick 'MidWeek Outing Group' on your profile page. See Mid-Week Outing Group

Print Competition (Club rooms only)

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Set Subject: ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) Judge: Vicki Moritz Competition Entry Date: Wednesday 7 June 2023 Club Competitions: https://melbournecameraclub.org.au/members-only/club-competitions/ 

Public Holiday

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Grace Lock Group – Alternative processes presentation

Santina Velo has booked the downstairs studio and darkroom and will take us through her experimentation with alternative processes. Her cyanotype and cyanolumens in the IWD exhibition were very beautiful [...]

Australian Photographic Prize – All your questions answered!

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This Friday, 16 June at 8pm, Robyn Campbell and members of the APP team will be presenting and answering all questions about the forthcoming Australian Photographic Prize by Zoom. The [...]

Digital Editing Group

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

As the level of understanding of digital editing techniques varies enormously among members, we will aim to provide information to members at basic, intermediate and advanced levels in each meeting. [...]

Mid-Week Outing

Carnegie Sky-Rail Walk. Details sent via mailout on 6 Jun 2023. To receive the mailout tick 'MidWeek Outing Group' on your profile page. See Mid-Week Outing Group

PDI Competition (Zoom only)

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Set Subject: ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) Judge: Karen Waller Competition Entry Date: Wednesday 7 June 2023 Club Competitions: https://melbournecameraclub.org.au/members-only/club-competitions/