Mid-Week Outing

Botanic Gardens Melbourne - details sent via mailout on Tue 24th Jan 2023. To receive the mailout tick 'MidWeek Outing Group' on your profile page. See Mid-Week Outing Group  

PDI Competition (Zoom only)

Melbourne Camera Club 254-256 Ferrars St, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Set Subject: Self-portrait Judge: Robert Groom Competition Entry Date: Wednesday 8 February 2023 Club Competitions: https://melbournecameraclub.org.au/members-only/club-competitions/   

Nature Outing

Visit to Bunyip National Park - to be confirmed - weather dependent

APG February meeting

Show and Tell, feedback on printmaking, Passion Projects, Work In Progress, sharing of interesting cameras. What makes a good print. Members to bring along prints for discussion. Talking points; composition, exposure, developer, development times, toning.