Current Board Members

MCC Board Members 2023-2024

The current MCC Board consists of:

President Mark Devaraj
Elected at the 2022 AGM for two years

Honorary Secretary Sally Paterson
Elected at the 2022 AGM for two years
Honorary Treasurer and Company Secretary David Sherwood
Elected at the 2022 AGM for two years
Elected Ordinary Board Members Ian Bock OAM
Elected at the 2022 AGM for two years
  Colin Booth
Elected at the 2022 AGM for two years
  Kaye Linsdell
Elected at the 2023 AGM for two years
  Megan Smith
Elected at the 2023 AGM for two years
  Robin Tully
Alternate Director until 2024 AGM

To contact any Board member, click on their name to send an email.

All correspondence, proposals and business for Board consideration should be emailed to the Secretary.