Beacon Camera Club in the UK invited MCC and the Johannesburg Camera Club of South Africa to compete with them in an international interclub competition. With shutter buttons sharpened we accepted that challenge and it was named The Battle of the Malvern’s, after a fierce historic battle of the 1800’s.
It is a great opportunity for us to build a relationship with other clubs which can open doors to other opportunities.
This competition consisted of 30 images from each club and all clubs engaged a judge to independently score the 90 images. MCC chose the images that were recently submitted to the VAPS interclub competition as our club submission to this competition.
Ian Rolfe (Grand Master of Photography APS) led the first charge and has judged and scored Beacon vs Johannesburg. Judges from UK and South Africa will also be judging the groups of images.
As part of the competition, they will be awarding a People’s Choice 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Accordingly all members are invited to vote for your favourite image from the gallery of images from Beacon and Johannesburg, available on this link. Deadline: Friday 10 May, 9am.
Ian Rolfe has recorded a video message to assist you working through the images with some tips and advice from his decades of judging experience.
Could you all review the images in the gallery and cast your vote for your (one) favourite image, final scores will be tallied for the top 1-3 images.
Vote for People’s Choice!
- Link to voting form and view the full size images from the gallery below.
- Closing date for voting: Sunday Friday 10 May 2024, 9.00am