Analogue exhibitor Richard Mathews 2023

23rd MCC Analogue Photography Exhibition

Richard Mathews

Grain silos, Murtoa

Shot with a Mamiya 645 camera on Kodak T-Max 400 film developed in Adonal 1:50. Printed on Foma glossy resin-coated paper.

In the autumn afternoon sun an interesting collage of textures, shapes and contrasts is formed. Note that this shot was taken in May 2022; silo art was added in early 2023.

Jincumbilly Station

Shot with a Mamiya 645 camera on Kodak T-Max 400 film developed in Adonal 1:50. Printed on Foma glossy resin-coated paper.

A tiny station building in the Monaro region of southern NSW on the old Cooma-Bombala railway line. The station has been closed since 1975, although the line was used for passenger services to Bombala until 1986.

Morning on Lake Jindabyne

Shot with a Mamiya 645 camera on Kodak T-Max 400 film developed in Adonal 1:50. Printed on Foma glossy resin-coated paper.

Not exactly a minimalist landscape, but scenes like this with fewer or simpler elements appeal to me.