Happy New Year and welcome to the first week of this year’s events at MCC!
We welcome a full class of 42 participants to the Introduction to Photography Course, starting on Tuesday 4 February at 7.30pm. All participants are full members for the next 12 months, please make them feel welcome around the club in the months ahead.
Welcome BBQ
All MCC Members are invited to join the Board to welcome everyone back to the Clubrooms for our annual BBQ on Thursday evening, 6 February at 6.30pm.
The Club will be providing the food, so if you plan to attend, please RSVP through the form on this link to ensure we have enough food for everyone, including any special dietary requirements. Please ensure you enter your RSVP before 9pm, Monday 3 February.
- Please BYO drinks, wine / beer / soft drinks
Following the BBQ will be a presentation and discussion on Ethics of Photography by Greg Crombie. Please join us at 8pm in the Gallery.
Clubrooms Facelift and Working Bee Volunteers Needed
During the Christmas break the Facilities team and volunteers alongside the contractors, have done an amazing job of giving the Gallery a ‘facelift’ which includes a fresh coat of paint, new print display boards and new carpets. The office, stairwell, and upstairs kitchen areas have been repainted and carpeted as part of the project.
We will be holding a Working Bee on Sunday 2 February at 10.30am, and we are looking for some volunteers to help out getting the clubrooms ready for the year.
Tasks include: cleaning and vacuuming the gallery and mobile boards, including the chairs and setting up the gallery for meetings; relocating some books to attic storage; weed and clean the courtyard for the BBQ next week.
If you are able to volunteer a couple of hours of your time on Sunday 2 February from 10.30am, please contact Colin Booth to register.