Projected Digital Image Competition
The Melbourne Camera Club conducts a Projected Digital Image Competition on the 4th Thursday in the months February to October each year. The exhibition and judging occurs on the 4th Thursday of the month, however entries must be uploaded to the MCC website by midnight on the 2nd Thursday of the month, ie Print Competition night.
The competition has two components, Open subject (2 entries per month permitted) and Set subject (1 entry per month permitted). The Open subject component is further divided into grades:
- A-grade for members with proficiency and experience.
- B-grade for the remaining members who wish to participate in this competition.
The Set subject component is ungraded.
Format and Presentation of Projected Digital Image Competition Entries
The Competition Committee and the Board have approved the following format:
- Entrants must have made the original exposure, and any digital manipulation of the image.
- Images should be formatted to project within an image area of 1920×1200 pixels (maximum width and height dimensions).
- File should be 2MB or smaller.
- File should be saved in sRGB colour space.
- File should be saved as JPEG files
Entries may be presented with a title, however the title will not be seen by the judge and only used for later display of the image.
The file name for web submission is not important, as the system will rename the file on upload anyway.
For more information on competition rules, please see:
Projected Image Competition Entries may now only be submitted by internet upload. For any member experiencing difficulties with the internet upload facility, please contact the PDI Competition Steward.
Digital Projected Image Web Submission Guide
We suggest that you do not leave it until the last minute to lodge your entries, start early, familiarise yourself and learn the system.
This system has several features:
- You load your images into your own PDI account;
- You do not have to upload all of your month’s images at the same time, you can do it progressively;
- You will see a thumbnail of your entry;
- Prior to closing of entries for a competition, you can change the images to be entered.
Contact the PDI Competition Steward for details of the PDI Competition website URL and instructions