Introduction to Photography February 2023

 Registration is closed for this event
Introduction to Photography February 2023

Learn to produce great images, not snapshots.

Each year, the Melbourne Camera Club runs two sessions of its highly successful Introduction to Photography Course. Designed and led by specialist photographers, the course provides both novice and more experienced photographers with a series of lectures, tutorials and practical sessions on how to use their digital SLR cameras.

The course commences on Tuesday 7 February 2023 and is conducted over a Five-week period.

Each course consists of six lessons and three workshops. The lessons are held at the MCC Clubrooms on Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm until 9:30pm and the practical workshops are held on Sunday mornings from 9:30am until early afternoon (locations advised during the course).

Participants must provide their own camera and media.

Please note that as a consequence of changes to Victorian law in relation to “Working with Children” that came into effect on 1 August 2017, we will not be able to accept registrations for any persons under 18 years of age.

February 7th, 2023 7:30 PM to March 7th, 2023 9:30 PM
Event Fee(s)
Course Registration Fee - Ordinary(incl $10.00 PayPal fees) A$360.00
Course Registration Concession (incl $8.50 PayPal fees) A$293.00